ORWO UN54 (100asa), Black and White Universal Negative Still/Motion Cinematography Film

ORWO UN54 (100asa), Black and White Universal Negative Still/Motion Cinematography Film

from $47.00

Product: ORWO UN54
Exposure Index:
ISO 100/27°
16mm, 35mm
100ft, 400 ft
Triacetate Base
Standard, N-4740 (BH 1866)
Time Code/Edge Numbers:
K-Code (Kodak Key Code)

Product description: ORWO Film UN 54 (Universal Negative) is a panchromatic, medium speed, black-and-white negative camera film for both outdoor and indoor usage. According to ORWO Instruction 4185, the UN 54 film can be processed as black and white negative
film, or processed as a reversal film.

Compare To: Eastman PLUS X (80 ASA)

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